" Pieter Bruegel the Elder and his Predecessors. Culture and Visual Arts in the Late 15h and 16th centuries "
Masterclass with Reindert Falkenburg and Michel Weemans
09.30 Introduction
09.40 Jamie EDWARDS (University of Birmingham), Bruegel the Elder’s Scripture Reanimated? Bruegel the Elder’s 1566 Census at Bethlehem.
10.20 Lisa KONING (University of Winchester), Ekphrastic Inspiration for a Writer: Bruegel’s Depictions of Life during the 16th Century.
11.00 Coffee break
11.20 Pachomius MEADE (University of Missouri), Sacred and Sinister Touch in Netherlandish Epiphany Altarpieces, 1480-1580. 12.00 Wendy WAUTERS (KULeuven), De beroering van de religieuze ruimte - Een iconologische studie van ornamenta sacra in de Antwerpse OLV-kathedraal.
12.40 Lunch
14.00 Gaylen VANKAN (ULiège), Circulation et usages de l’image dans les anciens Pays-Bas au XVIe siècle. Réflexions autour de Jan Swart van Groningen.
14.40 Daan VAN HEESCH (KULeuven), Bruegel across Modes and Materials. Thoughts on a Painted Palace in Sixteenth-Century Segovia.
15.20 Coffee break
15.40 Maarten BASSENS (KBR/KULeuven), A Matter of Letters. A Re-examination of Bruegel’s Print Editions from a Typographical Point of View.
16.20 Ruben SUYKERBUYK (UGent), Visual Discourses on Idolatry in the Low Countries (c. 1520-1585).
17.00 Final remarks