« Bruegel’s Birds. Sight and Insight in Pieter Bruegel’s Bird’s Eye Views »
Conférence, colloque Landscape and the Visual Hermeneutics of Place, 1500-1700
Thursday, March 21
Opening Remarks: 9:00-9:15
Sarah McPhee and Walter Melion, Emory University
Session 1: 9:15 – 11:45
Margaret Goehring, New Mexico State University
Gardens of Eloquence: The Late Medieval and Early Renaissance Garden as Ornamentum
of Nobility
Denis Ribouillault, Université de Montréal
Hermeneutics and the Early Modern Garden
Luke Morgan, Monash University
" False Art's Insolent Address ": The Enchanted Garden in Early Modern Literature and
Landscape Design
11:45 - 1:00 — Lunch
Session 2: 1:00 – 3:15
Sarah Crover, University of British Columbia
Landscape as Parable: Women, Cities, and Dales in Shakespeare’s “The Rape of
Lucrece” and “Venus and Adonis”
Walter Melion, Emory University
Parabolic, Periphrastic, and Ekphrastic Landscape in Hans Bol’s “Emblemata
Evangelica” of 1585
Paul Smith, University of Leiden
Landscape in Marcus Gheeraert’s Fable Illustrations
3:15 – 3:30 — Coffee Break
Session 3: 3:30 – 5:00
Lucas Reddemann, Universität Münster
Epic Salvation: Christ’s Descent into Hell and the Topography of the Underworld in
Neo-Latin Christian Epic
Michel Weemans, EHESS
Bruegel’s Birds: Sight and Insight in Bruegel’s Bird’s-Eye View Landscapes