PédagogieModulesModules année 2017-2018Modules 2017-2018Fine Art Practice : Critical Awareness and Peer Critique in English

Sem2 A
Mis à jour le 20/01/23

Sem1 A
Mis à jour le 21/11/22

Cours Langue
Premier semestre
Chaque Semaine
Lundi 09:30-12:30
210. Salle de cours
Using and develop the English language to: - Prepare and make presentations on research, practice, work and ideas to and lead discuss of the 'peer group'. - Demonstrate through presentations the thinking though of the relation between 'studio', theory and/or history in the context of the field of contemporary art. - Demonstrate skills in the use of appropriate technology/IT for the purposes of presentation.
Students are required to make reflective presentations that focus on their studio practice and research, in a way that is coherent, to their peer group.
Learning is through independent self-initiated research, studio practice and group tutorial contact. This is associated with independent research in library and other sources, gallery visits, museums or other showing venues.
Assessment is on the content and form of the oral presentation.
Learning materials are provided through discussion between student and tutor and relate to the individual student's research and practice development.


Une radio temporaire de création fabriquée par des étudiant(e)s de l’Ensa Bourges
en FM : 105.1 à Bourges
et sur le web

Atelier sonore d’esthétique

Créé en 2005, l’Atelier sonore d’esthétique, est un séminaire de recherche esthétique en création sonore expérimentale — site web

Arts et créations sonores

Post-diplôme en partenariat avec le Conservatoire de musique et de danse de Bourges — d'électroacoustique — site web

document & art contemporain

3e cycle — avec l'ÉESI Poitiers-Angoulême — site web