
Conférence Virginia Villaplana

Workshop autour du travail Virginia Villaplana, artiste invitée dont la conférence de mercredi soir viendra clore le cycle de conférences : L'avenir du passé, politiques de l'archive
Proposé par Giovanna Zapperi, Alejandra Riera et Catherine Fraixe

Amphithéâtre 17H

Virgina Villaplana
Paris, 1972

Virginia Villaplana is MBA in Media Studies and PhD in Arts and Visual Culture. Artist whose practice often expands into critical theory, editorial work, curatorship and teaching. She teaches at Department of Theory of Languages and Communications Science at the University of Valencia, and Department Audiovisual Communication, Documentation and History of Art, Politecnical University Valencia. Forms part of the collective grup Las Lindes art, radical pedagogy and cultural practices. She has written the books El instante de la memoria, Zones of intensity, 24 Back beats, Cárcel de amor. Relatos culturales sobre la violencia and Infinite Film.

Her work (for further information visit www.virginiaviallplana.com) explores writing as a negotiation between memory and history tales of fiction and documentaries, gender narratives, the strategies from Do it yourself to Do it together, the palimpsest and contextual participation. She is also editor in  Arte y Políticas de Identidad magazine (http://revistas.um.es/api)

Artist, author and involved in cultural production, Virigina Villaplana was born in Paris to emigrant Spanish parents who returned to Spain in 1982 under the new democratic process. She is a Doctor in Fine Art and Communication, and has also completed studies in Cinematographic Management at the London Film Academy. Since 2006 she has been an associate professor at the department of Theory of Languages and Communications Science at the University of Valencia.


As an artist, she develops film, photography and installation projects; including, in 2008-2009, Exhumation of infamy (Off Limits, Madrid); in 2008, In a short space of time (Liquidación Total / Medialab, Madrid), Infinite Film (Sala La Gallera, Valencia) and Espai Visor at Arco and CFoto; in 2007, Face to Face. Dialogues and confrontations at the border (Centro Cultural Español, Miami) and Mapas, cosmogaphs and reference points (CGAC, Santiago de Compostela); in 2005, Bodies of production (CGAC); in 2004, A fiction film (MUSAC, Leon); in 2003, Cinema out there: the spirit of the portrait. San Sebastián; in 2004, Architectures of discourse (Fundació Antoni Tàpies / Ute Meta Bauer, Barcelona), Kosmopolis. Verbarium (CCCB, Barcelona), Narratives of work (INIVA London) and Monocanal (MNCARS, Madrid), and in 2001, Cinema and quasi cinema (MNCARS, Madrid).


She has written the books Zones of intensity (Madrid, 2008), 24 Back beats (Valencia, 2001) and Infinite Film (Valencia, 2007), in addition to a number of articles and essays on film, literature, visual arts, cultural criticism and genre. She has completed her creative works – film, literature, visual arts – in London, Paris, Montevideo, Buenos Aires and Bologne. She is currently working on writing narratives and essays, and teaches workshops on different knowledge networks, at national and international art centres and universities: Institute of International Visual Arts (London), Kunstverein München (Munich), University of Antwerp and Limburg University Centre (Belgium), MUSAC (Leon) or the University of Barcelona. She is also co-editor of the book Prison of love. Cultural tales on sexist violence (Madrid, MNCARS, 2005). In the area of cultural production, she has developed the media art and visual art projects Working Documents (La Virreina Centre de la Imatge, 2008), Imagination in transit (CGAC, 2007) In/security in a global context. The City of Women (Liubliana, Slovenia) and Le détournement des technologies (Constantvzw, Brussels). Between 1994 and 2001 she was the editorial coordinator for the film journal Banda Aparte, formas de ver.


Her work (for further information visit www.virginiaviallplana.com) explores writing as a negotiation between tales of fiction and documentaries, gender narratives, the strategies from Do it yourself to Do it together, the palimpsest, contextual participation and means in cultural practice




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