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lundi 19 février 2018

Apparatus 22

Résidents à La Box de février à avril 2018

Apparatus 22 on hardcore minimalism, Ioana Nemes, neo myths and the great outdoors
This talk will introduce the practice of art collective Apparatus 22 through a set of complex topics ranging from their approach to minimalism in recent series of works about the body, the need to invent modern myths, the thrills of working outside institutions and the brilliance of their late colleague, artist Ioana Nemes.

We see ourselves as a collective of dreamers, researchers, poetic activists and (failed) futurologists interested in exploring the intricate relationships between economy, politics, gender studies, social movements, religion and fashion in order to understand contemporary society. A recent topic of research and reflection in our practice is SUPRAINFINIT universe: a world-making attempt to use hope critically in navigating present and future.
In our very diverse works - installations, performances, text based-shapes, reality is mixed with fiction and storytelling and all merge with a critical approach drawing knowledge & experience from design, sociology, literature and economics.

“Spirited” is a laboratory workshop (20 – 23 March; later dates will be added) with two directions and processes: on one hand in relation with the medium we will be researching and imagining experimental radio formats and on the other hand in relation with the topic we will be looking at the role of clothing in asserting identities that go beyond the binary gender categorization.
Spirited will be quest for inspiration and emphaty to be found in gender narratives that rarely surface into mainstream (using as case studies performers, musicians and designers like Leigh Bowery, Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, trans pornstars like Buck Angel and Allanah Starr, artists: del lagrace volcano, Eva & Adele) opening a conversation and taking them on a territory that is most of the time impalpable and in continuous metamorphosis.

Apparatus 22 is a transdisciplinary art collective founded in January 2011 by current members Erika Olea, Maria Farcas, Dragos Olea together with Ioana Nemes (1979 - 2011) in Bucharest, Romania. Beginning with 2015 we are working between Bucharest and Brussels.
Our work was presented in exhibitions and festivals at La Biennale di Venezia 2013, MUMOK, Vienna (AT), Brukenthal Museum Contemporary Art Gallery, Sibiu (RO), MAK, Vienna (AT), Steirischer Herbst, Graz (AT), Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart (DE), Salonul de Proiecte, Bucharest (RO), Museion, Bolzano (IT), TIME MACHINE BIENNIAL OF CONTEMPORARY ART, D-0 ARK UNDERGROUND, Konji (BIH), TRAFO Gallery, Budapest (HU), Futura, Prague (CZ), Ujazdowski Castle – Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw (PL), Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart (DE), Contemporary Art Museum (MNAC), Bucharest (RO), KunstMuseum Linz (AT), Osage Foundation (Hong Kong), Progetto Diogene, Turin (IT), Drodesera Festival, Dro (IT), Nest, Den Haag, (NL), Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles (BE), CIAP, Hasselt (BE), Barriera, Turin (IT), De Appel (NL), Kunsthalle Wien (AT) etc.

Links studio visits (fall 2016) :
 with curator Clara Madaro 
B​ucharest with curator Sandra Demetrescu
Brussels with curator Evelyn Simons


Une radio temporaire de création fabriquée par des étudiant(e)s de l’Ensa Bourges
en FM : 105.1 à Bourges
et sur le web

Atelier sonore d’esthétique

Créé en 2005, l’Atelier sonore d’esthétique, est un séminaire de recherche esthétique en création sonore expérimentale — site web

Arts et créations sonores

Post-diplôme en partenariat avec le Conservatoire de musique et de danse de Bourges — d'électroacoustique — site web

document & art contemporain

3e cycle — avec l'ÉESI Poitiers-Angoulême — site web