Narrative cartographies
Representing migration in contemporary art from France
This talk discusses some recent works of artists based in France that deal with issues of migration and precarious existances in and out of the french republic. In the works of artists such as Bouchra Khalili, Florence Lazar or Alejandra Riera, the political dimension of displacement is entwined with subjective narratives that complexify the relation between people and places, a relation that is constantly reinvented.
Giovanna Zapperi teaches art history and theory at Ecole supérieure d’art de Bourges and is research associate at Centre d’histoire et théorie des arts, EHESS (Paris).
Conférence publique, Goldsmiths University of London, Departement de Sociologie
Vendredi 18 mars à 16h
Université de Genève, Departement Etudes Genre
Lundi 21 mars 2010 Uni Mail R060 (rez de chaussée)
Genre, féminisme et art : retour sur l'exposition elles@centrepompidou
Camille MORINEAU, conservateur Centre Pompidou, régisseuse de l'exposition
Giovanna ZAPPERI, professeure d'histoire et théorie des arts à l'ENSA Bourges et chercheure associée au CEHTA / EHESS