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Brian Reffin Smith - Intervention

Imaging The Futur - Symposium
Théâtre du Passage Neuchatel

Imaging the Future est un ensemble de rencontres, conférences et démonstrations, consacrées aux liaisons entre arts visuels et nouvelles technologies, et plus particulièrement aux développements des images digitales ou images générées par ordinateurs.
Organisé en marge du festival international du film fantastique de Neuchâtel (NIFFF), cet événement multidisciplinaire réunit autour des problématiques liées à la production et à l’utilisation des images numériques, des spécialistes venus de domaines aussi variés que le cinéma, l’art contemporain, le design de jeux vidéo, la médecine, la physique ou la sociologie.

Wednesday July 7

10h00-12h30 Serious Games Session ? Prescription Games
Thierry Wendling, Anthropologist, France,

Serious games in medical or therapeutic context
Ulrich Goetz, Professor Zhdk Game Design, Switzerland,

Leveling Up Serious Games: The Gamification of Life, the Universe and Everything
Steffen P. Walz, Game Designer, sreee GbR, Stuttgart,

Games as Research: Measurements in the Field of Possibilities
Greg Niemeyer, Associate Professor of New Media, UC Berkeley & Creative Director, NoisyCreatures Corp, United States,

14h-15h Real time strategy games
Bruce Shelley, game designer (Civilization, Railroad Tycoon, Ages of Empires, The Settlers 7 : Paths to a Kingdom), Freelance, United States

15h30-16h30 Cinema & film futurology
The Future of Cinema & Film: foresights from the next 5 years
Gerd Leonhard, Media Futurist & Author, Germany,

16h45-17h30 Technology & Art
Zombie Pataphysics & Digital Imagining: a lo-tech / no-tech approach
Brian Reffin Smith, media artist, United Kingdom

Computer digitalized images in Swiss video art
·  Alexander Hahn ?Capturing natural Sounds in the Age of the Vintage 78 Records? (2005),
·  Yves Netzhammer ?Die Möglichkeit nicht mehr haben? (2003),
·  Collectif_fact "On Stage" (2007, 4'53'', loop), "Reliefs" (2005, 6'44'', loop), "Ce qui arrive" (2005, 5'09'', loop) et "Bubblecars" (2004, 6'28'', loop),
·  Peter Aerschmann ?Checkpoint? (2010, 16 min loop, 16:9),
·  Marion Tampon-Lajarriette
·  Patrick Tschudi ?Hollow street? (2009, 3??, loop),
·  Swann Thommen ?Event? (2010, 7??, loop),

Thursday July 8
09h45-11h15 The WETA Touch: Designing Avatar and District 9
Stereo Compositing on Avatar
Robin Hollander, Lead Compositor, Weta Digital, Switzerland/New Zealand,

Creating an alternate reality: An in depth look at the computer generated characters of Avatar
Andy Jones, Animation Director, Weta digital, won a BAFTA, Oscar and Visual Effects Society Awards for his work on Avatar, New Zealand,

Design philosophy for films at Weta Workshop and the creation of the science fiction world
Greg Broadmore, artist and designer, Whakatane, New Zealand,,

11h30-12h00 Autodesk Media & Entertainment
The New Art of Virtual Moviemaking
Nick Manning, Industry Marketing Manager, Autodesk?s Media & Entertainment business in EMEA, Canada

13h30-16h30 VFX production ? Séminaire Focal (
Michael Scialpi, VFX creator and supervisor, freelance, Créateur et superviseur des effets visuels freelance, Suisse - Cargo (Engler, 2009),
Pascal Giroux, VFX producer, Mikros Image, France - Ne te retourne pas (de Van, 2009), Astérix aux jeux olympiques (Forestier, 2008),
Sean Wheelan, VFX producer, Filmgate, Sweden - Antichrist (von Trier, 2009), The Cottage (Williams, 2008),
Philippe Leprince, CG pipeline supervisor, Double Negative, Great Britain ? Inception (Nolan 2010), The Dark Knight (Nolan 2008),

17h00-18h00 Cult VFX
Douglas Trumbull, pioneer VFX director and creator -  2001 : L?odyssée de l?espace, Rencontre du 3ème type, Blade Runner, Silent Running

18h00-18h15 Swiss VFX and Computer Animation Showcase/ A selection of works from Swiss VFX and animation producers
Miklos Kosary, Compositing Supervisor, Elefant Studios, Zürich,
Jean Deppierraz, Compositing Supervisor, Sapristi Studios, Lausanne,

18h15-19h00 Swiss VFX Showcase

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