lundi 10 octobre 2016
vendredi 14 octobre 2016
S1. S3 S5 S7 S9
salle 105

Exploring the potential and tradition of a 'Folk Art Crankie' for use in Contemporary Art

Neal Beggs

This workshop will incorporate the use of outmoded Folk Art, Experimental Sound, Music, Voice, Drawing, Painting, Moving Image, Movement, Shadow, Technology and Conceptualism. Sign up if you are interested. The workshop will be conducted in both English and French.

In this workshop we will be making and exploring the contemporary potential of an outmoded media presentation device known today within American Folk Art circles as a 'Crankie'.

Whilst the Crankie is predominately associated with traditional 'narrative' and music (see these example ) :
we will try to explore its use in more 'abstract' directions, of light, movement, shadow, experience, film without film, etc, as well as narrative and tradition.
The workshop will be a mix of plastic (drawing, painting, moving image), movement and audio art. Any students interested in music, cinema and experimental sound are especially welcome.
Some links
Whats a Crankie? Look here. http://www.thecrankiefactory.com
Historic contextualization of the Crankie. https://vimeo.com/64207540
How to make a Crankie http://www.thecrankiefactory.com/348971240

Some links
Whats a Crankie? Look here.

Historic contextualization of the Crankie.

How to make a Crankie

This would be an important video to link with the workshop :

Here are video's of a workshops I made in Annecy, Brest and also the video from last years workshop at Bourges. The new workshop will draw on elements from all three of these workshops.


Une radio temporaire de création fabriquée par des étudiant(e)s de l’Ensa Bourges
en FM : 105.1 à Bourges
et sur le web

Atelier sonore d’esthétique

Créé en 2005, l’Atelier sonore d’esthétique, est un séminaire de recherche esthétique en création sonore expérimentale — site web

Arts et créations sonores

Post-diplôme en partenariat avec le Conservatoire de musique et de danse de Bourges — d'électroacoustique — site web

document & art contemporain

3e cycle — avec l'ÉESI Poitiers-Angoulême — site web