lundi 06 novembre 2017
jeudi 09 novembre 2017
semaine externe #1
Début du workshop à 10h
Plateau 1
"How to Build without a Land" project, 2011- ongoing.  title of the piece: "A Journey That Is No Longer Possible", 2015 Courtesy of the Artist.

Artiste en résidence à La Box

The workshop departs from the presence of mapping- as a tool and methodology- in post- modern and contemporary practices. The act of mapping- no matter how subversive, critical or coming from the margin- forms a specific tone of power, as authority in its essence is embedded in the act of mapping itself. In order to understand this notion of authority, a deconstruction of the map becomes necessary.

In the workshop we will be looking at multidisciplinary practices spanning between art, architecture, social studies, and politics, where mapping is present in different forms and purposes; an evidence, a narrative or simply as an abstract immateriality.

It’s very crucial to read and analyze the spectrum of mapping practices in relation to the critical theories and radical practices accumulated since mid-twentieth century to our days. Creating these links will develop better understanding of how research based practices and data collection had affected production of knowledge and visual know-hows.

en savoir +


Une radio temporaire de création fabriquée par des étudiant(e)s de l’Ensa Bourges
en FM : 105.1 à Bourges
et sur le web

Atelier sonore d’esthétique

Créé en 2005, l’Atelier sonore d’esthétique, est un séminaire de recherche esthétique en création sonore expérimentale — site web

Arts et créations sonores

Post-diplôme en partenariat avec le Conservatoire de musique et de danse de Bourges — d'électroacoustique — site web

document & art contemporain

3e cycle — avec l'ÉESI Poitiers-Angoulême — site web